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Workshop Fuel Cell Buses: Clearing the Way for Zero Emission Transport during week of Cities and Regions
Fuel cell bus deployments will be presented as part of the Week of Cities and Regions!
Specifically: the session, entitled: “Fuel Cell Buses: Clearing the Way for Zero Emission Transport” under the thematic priority “ a greener Europe” will take place in Brussels in The Square on Tuesday 8 October, between 9:15 and 10:45.
CIVITAS Forum 2019
The CIVITAS Forum Conference 2019 will be held in Graz, Austria, from 2-4 October 2019. The 17th edition of Europe's top sustainable urban mobility event will gather the leading figures in the field from across the continent and beyond.
Festival sustainable mobility
The festival of sustainable mobility (Duurzame Mobiliteit) will take place on Tuesday 1st October in Amersfoort in the Netherlands.
A session will be dedicated to fuel cell buses in the province of South-Holland: OV op waterstof in Zuid-Holland, between 14:15 and 15:15.
More ifnromation and programme available here
The future of road transport - High VLO City presentation
How will we transport people and products in the future? This question is posed by the German association of waste management (DGAW) in Berlin.
Representatives and speakers from the public and private sector will discuss technologies for the reduction of emissions from public transport and service fleets.