How will we transport people and products in the future? This question is posed by the German association of waste management (DGAW) and will be debated in Berlin on Friday the 27 September 2019 from 9-17 pm.
Representatives and speakers from the public and private sector will discuss technologies for the reduction of emissions from public transport and service fleets.
The potential to cut down on emissions by operating zero emission vehicles is an integral part of city’s emission reduction strategies. Besides being embedded in larger national and European CO2 reduction targets, these strategies also aim at curbing NOX and other harmful gases. Especially since the announcement of several European cities to prohibit vehicles emitting harmful gases from their inner-city areas, procurement officers have voiced increased interest in zero emission vehicles.
The High VLO City project is one amongst several projects which have deployed Hydrogen fuel cell buses in a number of European cities between 2012 and 2019. Now fully operating in Groningen (NL), Aberdeen (UK), San Remo (IT) and Flanders (BE), the valuable operational and qualitative data created by the experiences of the project partners and bus operators, is being shared. Informing operators of public service fleets about the feasibility and the numerous advantages of FCH buses is an important step in promoting the integration of fuel cell technology in more and more fleets, thereby contributing to the dissemination and visibility of the technology. The High VLO City project will be presented by HyER at the conference at 15.15 pm.
For more information on the event, click here.