On September 12, 2017, the first fuel cell bus event in Denmark will take place in Copenhagen.
Organised by Ballard Europe, Nel Hydrogen, Solaris, Brintbranchen and Hydrogen Valley, the event, named FCB CPH17, will highlight the importance of applying fuel cell buses for the future of clean, green public transport.
The event is the first of its kind in Denmark, and will introduce competitive fuel cell and hydrogen solutions ready to be implemented in the public transport sector. At the event, which will take place at Den Blå Planet in Copenhagen, it will also be possible to see and experience a Solaris Fuel Cell bus.
Thomas Gyldal Petersen, Mayor of Herlev and Chairman of Movia, will be opening FCB CPH17. The event will furthermore bring together national and international industry experts to present business cases and lessons learned from current Fuel Cell bus deployments throughout Europe.
FCB CPH17 is targeting decision makers from municipalities, public transit agencies and public transit operators from Denmark and the Nordic Countries.
Please click here for more information.