On Monday, Transport Engineer magazine published a comprehensive article on fuel cell buses and the different projects currently running in Europe.
Sabrine Skiker from Hydrogen Europe was interviewed for this article and she put JIVE and JIVE 2 in the spotlight: "The latest initiatives – JIVE and JIVE 2 – are the final two projects in the FCH JU programme. Started at different times, the two actually have a lot in common, and the only reason they are not combined is due to the funding allocations. 'There was one amount of money allocated for a project for 2017 and another funding stream set aside for the following year,' recalls Skiker. 'There are different cities involved in the two projects: there are a lot of German cities in both JIVE and JIVE 2, simply because there were a lot of regions there that wanted a large number of fuel cell buses. It was impossible to have them from just one country in JIVE, so we had to spread it out.'"
Combined, the JIVE projects will deploy nearly 300 fuel cell buses in 22 cities across Europe by the early 2020s – the largest deployment in Europe to date.
To read the entire article please click here.