Performance of technology: Quantitative expectations


Performance of Technology: Quantitative Expectations

*One site is cautious and expects 75% “in the beginning”; TRL = Technology Readiness Level




lowest / median / highest

1. Availability HRS [%]

98 / 99 / 99.9

90 / 99 / 99.9

2. Availability Buses [%] *

85 / 93 / 98

80 / 90 / 99.9

3. Cost of hydrogen [€/kg]

4 / 6 / 11

4 / 5 / 12

4. Bus operating costs relative to standard fleet [%]

100 / 142 / 300

75 / 150 / 400

5. Maximum wait time for Repairs HRS [hours]

4 / 18 / 24

0 / 6 / 120

6. Maximum wait time for Repairs FCBs [hours]

2 / 24 / 48

2 / 24 / 72

7. Specific fuel consumption [kg/100 km]

8 / 8.8 / 9

8 / 10 / 12

8. Time to fill [minutes]

5 / 10 / 10

5 / 10 / 15

9. Fuel cell stack lifetime [hours]

20,000 / 25,000 / 30,000

7,000 / 22,500/ 50,000

10. TRL of the HRS at the start of demonstration

7 / 8 / 9

7 / 8 / 9

11. TRL of the HRS at the end of demonstration

8 / 9 / 9

8 / 9 / 9

12. TRL of the FCBs at the start of demonstration

7 / 8 / 9

7 / 8 / 9

13. TRL of the FCBs at the end of demonstration

8 / 9 / 9

8 / 9 / 9